Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Standardized Students, Silenced Teachers: The Un-American Education Agenda | Dailycensored.com

Standardized Students, Silenced Teachers: The Un-American Education Agenda | Dailycensored.com

Standardized Students, Silenced Teachers: The Un-American Education Agenda

Writing about standards-driven education reform in her Releasing the Imagination, Maxine Greene explains: “The wilderness has many aspects, of course; the demons have many faces. What is happening makes me wish, more and more desperately, for authentic dialogue among educators. It is time our own voices are heard with greater clarity, the voices of those [...]

El Cortito Haunts California Again

The short-handled hoe is alive and well and living in California’s hotels. The hoe has been reincarnated as flat sheets, instead of fitted, and scrub brushes instead of longer handled scrubbers that permit maids to get up off of their hands and knees. Hotel mattresses, which can weigh up to 150 pounds, must be lifted [...]