Friday, April 22, 2011

Seattle’s Fired Superintendent, Maria Goodloe-Johnson, on the short list for Newark School District’s top spot: Seattle says Huh??? — and Heads-up! | Seattle Education 2010

Seattle’s Fired Superintendent, Maria Goodloe-Johnson, on the short list for Newark School District’s top spot: Seattle says Huh??? — and Heads-up! | Seattle Education 2010

Seattle’s Fired Superintendent, Maria Goodloe-Johnson, on the short list for Newark School District’s top spot: Seattle says Huh??? — and Heads-up!

Seattle’s controversial and recently fired school superintendent, Maria Goodloe-Johnson, is a potential contender for school superintendent of Newark, reports the Newark Star Ledger (“Newark schools superintendent search narrowed to 2 candidates, sources say” — April 21, 2011).

Those of us in Seattle’s Public School District who just experienced three and half years of turmoil, scandal and fake data under our Broad Academy-trainee and her belligerent corporate agenda, have a few thoughts to share with Newarkabout this bit of surprising news.

This discussion, from Seattle’s highly informed and informative Save Seattle