Tuesday, April 19, 2011

School Tech Connect: The New Soft Bigotry

School Tech Connect: The New Soft Bigotry

The New Soft Bigotry

I am now sufficiently recovered from this NYT story about the number of ed deformers who are graduates of the independent school world to react to it without acrimony.

The independent school world rejects every single premise of the accountability movement. I taught and "administered" in independent schools, and I can tell you from first-hand experience that it's all about small classes, resources, home-grown curriculum, resources, parent support, resources, gate-keeping, resources, rich course offerings, resources, and resources. These schools are not involved in measuring themselves by arbitrary aptitude tests, or measuring their teachers with bizarre, corrupt "value-added" notions.

If you wanted to destroy the independent school world, you could do so by making it comply with NCLB and Race to the Top. If you wanted to make public schooling better, you would erase NCLB and Race to the Top,