Sunday, April 17, 2011

SACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: Tuesday, April 19th Vigil at Sac State: "The Death of Education, the Rebirth of Our Movement"

SACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: Tuesday, April 19th Vigil at Sac State: "The Death of Education, the Rebirth of Our Movement"

Tuesday, April 19th Vigil at Sac State: "The Death of Education, the Rebirth of Our Movement"

The Death of Education; the Rebirth of Our Movement

The Sac State Coalition is holding a vigil on Tuesday from noon to six in the Sac State Library quad to mourn the death of funding for higher education for our CSU system and to honor the rebirth of the student movement to protest the educational funding situation. Students and supporters are asked to wear black on Tuesday.

This is a also a symbolic action in response to aggressive action from campus administration. This is a also a stand against the administration’s use of intimidation toward students early Saturday morning when riot police