Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rita M. Solnet: A Telling Town Hall

Rita M. Solnet: A Telling Town Hall

Rita M. Solnet: A Telling Town Hall

If the audience had their way Thursday evening, I think the Don Estridge High Tech Middle School janitors might have found dumpsters filled with FCATs in a show of solidarity the morning after a testy Town Hall Meeting was held!

U.S. Congressman Ted Deutch hosted an Education Town Hall in his hometown of Boca Raton, Fla. in anticipation of returning to session to debate and decide upon reforming and reauthorizing the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law. The purpose of this critical meeting was to open up a candid dialogue on public education in the community -- to inform the public and to be informed. It's safe to say Rep. Deutch met that goal and then some!

To set the stage and provide an historical and global perspective of NCLB and education reforms, Rep. Deutch invited Dr. Diane Ravitch, former Assistant Secretary of Education and best selling author of a book recently named "the most important education book of the decade," (The Death and Life of the Great American School System) to share an historian's perspective.

This author turned tireless public education advocat