Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rahm and Trump. Birds of a feather. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Rahm and Trump. Birds of a feather. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Rahm and Trump. Birds of a feather.

NBC is reporting that Donald Trump, the recent birther advocate, donated $50,ooo to Rahm Emanuel’s mayoral campaign. NBC further reports that while Trump has donated to Illinois politicians before, his donation to Rahm’s campaign is far and away his biggest.

Billionaire Donald Trump, who’s eyeing a run for the White House, gave a sizeable campaign contribution to President Barack Obama’s chief of staff as he ran to become Chicago’s mayor, a recent report highlighted.

The Illinois Review, a coservative blog, reports that Trump gave Rahm Emanuel $50,000 in December 2010.

This isn’t the first time Trump has donated to candidates in Illinois, but it is the largest contribution. State election records show Trump also gave $5,000 to