Friday, April 22, 2011

Public Policy Blogger: A school reform story. Are we losing something precious and fundamental?

Public Policy Blogger: A school reform story. Are we losing something precious and fundamental?

A school reform story. Are we losing something precious and fundamental?

A huge thank you to the writer of the blog, An Urban Teacher's Education, for this post. Shares this story fromThis American Life, narrated by the great Ira Glass of NPR, about a Chicago public school, Washington Irving Elementary School, that led its own education reforms. The story is in two chapters. One in 1994 when things were going phenomenally well. And then. 2004 when everything was unraveling.

I took notes as I listened...but please listen to the story yourself. I lasts for just under an hour.


In Cathy La Luz's classroom. Building a team. Encouraging ideas. Setting higher standards than the school board, the rest of the school district. Relaxed, dedicated personalities leading engaged students to love learning, building a community, a family. Active lessons. Projects. Lots of movement, independent actions, discussions. Conversation. Prodding stragglers to work harder to keep up, and be comfortable asking for help. Learning how to be pro-active, taking responsibility for themselves. Getting involved in the process. Talking about their own