Friday, April 8, 2011

Planned Parenthood: URGENT: Rep. Boehner is caving to extremists

Planned Parenthood: URGENT: Rep. Boehner is caving to extremists


After months of budget negotiations, extreme anti-choice members of Congress are trying to force a shutdown of the federal government. This shutdown is not about disagreements over spending or taxes — it's about a single-minded vendetta against Planned Parenthood and a cruel determination to cut women off from reproductive health care.

We cannot let this vengeful, narrow-minded assault on Planned Parenthood and the people we serve continue. We urgently need your action right now. Add your name to the letter we are sending Representative Boehner and his extreme colleagues today. Fill out the form at right to take action.
Dear Representative Boehner and your extremist colleagues in Congress,

Your willingness to shut down the federal government and devastate the daily lives of millions of Americans because of your vendetta against Planned Parenthood is utterly despicable.

And it is absolutely clear that your actions have never been about reducing government spending. They have always been about your vendetta against Planned Parenthood. I know it; you know it; and so do millions of Americans. We stand together to stop you, and we will not back down.

We are teachers and students, mothers and fathers, Republicans and Democrats, lawyers, doctors, and manual laborers, women and men. We know that the health care Planned Parenthood provides to screen for cancer, test for HIV, prescribe birth control, and empower and educate women, men, and teens is essential. We are millions strong — and growing.

The hardships a government shutdown will create are unacceptable, and we implore you to stop.

