Friday, April 8, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: Be Like Nutley?

NYC Public School Parents: Be Like Nutley?

Be Like Nutley?

While it will be nice to see Cathie Black walking out the Tweed door never to return, it's difficult to celebrate another of the Mayor's behind-closed-doors, non-participative, non-public, snap decision to name Dennis Walcott as her successor. Where else but in Michael Bloomberg's New York City could a mayor mouth the empty phrase "I take full responsibility" while simultaneously repeating the very same, nonconsultative process that yielded the disastrous Cathie Black in the first place? Who else but the imperious, third-term Bloomberg could so thoroughly transform Barack Obama's "audacity of hope" into such hopeless audacity?

Yet all the discussion over Ms. Black's welcomed departure and Mr. Walcott's rapid appointment begs the crucial question: Is Dennis Walcott really the best NYC can do for a schools chancellor?

News 4 New York gently suggested as much in last night's telecast by sending a reporter to Nutley NJ, where the local