Saturday, April 2, 2011

No April Fools’ joke. IEA circulates anti-MEA faux news. « Fred Klonsky's blog

No April Fools’ joke. IEA circulates anti-MEA faux news. « Fred Klonsky's blog

No April Fools’ joke. IEA circulates anti-MEA faux news.

I receive the IEA education news digest as email.

Yesterday’s edition contained this link under “National News”: Mich. Teachers Assoc. Features Photo of Gov. Snyder as Devil on Facebook Page

There’s so much that is wrong about this.

The link is not to a news item. It is a blog post by an anti-union blogger. The anti-union blogger wrote his post based on a story that appeared in Michigan Capitol Confidential which is published by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. It is less of a news source than Fox and has the real news credibility of Steven Colbert. The Mackinac Center itself has been in the news lately for using FOIA requests of the emails of professors at Michigan universities who teach labor studies, looking for emails that contain the words, “Madison,” “Wisconsin,”