Friday, April 8, 2011

MinnPost - Political battles still raging over Michelle Rhee and 'Erasuregate' controversy

MinnPost - Political battles still raging over Michelle Rhee and 'Erasuregate' controversy

Political battles still raging over Michelle Rhee and 'Erasuregate' controversy

By Beth Hawkins | Published Fri, Apr 8 2011 8:39 am

Remember those hanging chads? There’s a fresh political battle raging that involves eraser marks.

No kidding — nope.

On Thursday, the Huffington Post carried a piece by Michelle Rhee in which the former Washington, D.C., schools chancellor attempted to address a controversy that has divided the education world. Auditors, she wrote, found erasure marks on student tests during her tenure to be within normal ranges.

Who cares? Stick with me a moment, because lots of people do.

Rhee, in case you’ve been hiding under a rock, rose to prominence as the swashbuckling change agent who tried to overhaul schools in the