Friday, April 15, 2011

Michelle Rhee nominated for award by group connected to Tea Party backers

Michelle Rhee nominated for award by group connected to Tea Party backers

Michelle Rhee nominated for award by group connected to Tea Party backers

Originally posted April 10, 2011, on Blue Virginia.

Believe it or not, this is not a parody (at least not intentional), it really happened.

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli won the Public Servant of the Year Award presented by the Sam Adams Alliance and announced Friday evening in Chicago.[...]

AG Cuccinelli won the Public Servant Award for challenging the constitutionality of the federal health care law

According to the Sam Adams Alliance website, the other two finalists for the “Public Servant” award (I know – hahahahahahaha) were Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, for his fine work busting unions, attacking working people, and being the most polarizing governor in America. Yay! And the other candidate? Michelle Rhee, who “repeatedly clashed with the Washington Teacher’s Union in seeking reform measures like merit pay…[then] resigned as chancellor and formed StudentsFirst, an organization designed to transform public education