Friday, April 29, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: Crazy Uncle Paul Gets Dumberer

Jersey Jazzman: Crazy Uncle Paul Gets Dumberer

Crazy Uncle Paul Gets Dumberer

On most days, if you asked me who the biggest dumb-ass in New Jersey is, I'd say Bob "Hoover" Ingle.

Every now and then, however, Paul Mulshine puts down the crazy and picks up the stupid:
Nothing amuses me more than the tendency of my readers to defend public schools.
There is no defense. Imagine if the computer industry were like the education industry. We'd still be using Commodore 64's. But now we'd be paying $3,000 for a computer that cost $1,000 when it was new 30 years ago.
That's the public school system - only worse.
Believe it or not, the annual per-pupil cost of education in this state in 1970 was a