Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: Bring Democracy Back To Newark

Jersey Jazzman: Bring Democracy Back To Newark

Bring Democracy Back To Newark

The Star-Reformer-Ledger gives over its op-ed pages today to yet another round of corporate reformer love, courtesy of editor Tom Moran. What's striking this moring is how completely oran has swallowed all of the premises of corporate reform.

Take his interview with Cory Booker:
The core idea is that the performance of students should guide everything. That means killing tenure to get rid of bad teachers, giving families more choice by expanding charter schools and magnet schools, closing down bad schools of any type, giving principals authority to hire their own staffs, and perhaps expanding the school day and school year.

The discussion, finally, has moved beyond money and is focusing on how that money is spent.
That's the corporate reform agenda in a nutshell:

- Gutting tenure, even though there's no evidence that there are large numbers of inefficient teachers with tenure.