Saturday, April 9, 2011

If Teachers Were Treated Like Stars! A Short Story… « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

If Teachers Were Treated Like Stars! A Short Story… « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

If Teachers Were Treated Like Stars! A Short Story…

Can you imagine what it would be like if teachers were treated like actors, athletes, and singers, hey, even reality tv “stars?” Life would be so different for us.

”Mrs.Smith, Mrs.Smith, can I get your autograph?” She turned and smiled at the young woman running towards her.

“Mrs.Smith”, she gasped,” I have been following your career for years! I’m about to start teaching myself. She handed Mrs.Smith a copy of her book.

“Are you ready for it, young lady?’ she asked, “This is a difficult job.”

“I know it is, but I’ve been reading your books, and I know I’m ready!”

“Good luck”, she says as she hands her the signed paper. “Take care.”

She and her husband go into the restaurant and are seated at the best table. The maitre d’ smiles, and thanks Mrs.Smith, again, for teaching his son when she taught at Tower Hill. After dinner Mr. and Mrs.Smith get into their Mercedes and drive home to their 10 room home in the suburbs. They enter their home and stop to pick up one of the cameras left by the crew from MTV Cribs-