Friday, April 22, 2011

For-profit schools respond to criticism by adopting code of conduct |

For-profit schools respond to criticism by adopting code of conduct |

For-profit schools respond to criticism by adopting code of conduct

Published: Friday, April 22, 2011, 8:08 AM Updated: Friday, April 22, 2011, 8:10 AM
universityofphoenix.JPGView full sizeClasses taught at many for-profit schools now will fall under an voluntary code of conduct.
Faced with growing public scrutiny and increased federal oversight, a national group of for-profit colleges said Thursday that its members will now follow a voluntary code of conduct designed to crack down on abuses that have rocked the industry's image.

The Coalition for Educational Success, a Washington, D.C.-based group that represents career colleges serving 350,000 students at nearly 500 campuses, announced the Standards of Responsible Conduct, but won't release the complete code until this summer. The industry group said it will cover areas ranging from standard disclosures of tuition costs and job placement rates to more transparent financial aid policies.

Managing director Penny Lee said the standards will provide a "new level of accountability."

"We know concerns have been raised and we take them very seriously," she said. "This is a significant step for the sector."

The announcement comes as another industry group battles the U.S. Department of Education in federal court in a bid to block new regulations of for-profit higher education institutions. The