Friday, April 8, 2011

Education chief Duncan cites 'lack of courage' in DPS | | The Detroit News

Education chief Duncan cites 'lack of courage' in DPS | | The Detroit News

Education chief Duncan cites 'lack of courage' in DPS

Jennifer Chambers / The Detroit News

New Orleans— U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan said today he is searching for a solution to turn around Detroit Public Schools after what he called two years of failed leadership.

Duncan, speaking to journalists attending the national Education Writers Association conference in New Orleans, said DPS can leapfrog other districts by approaching its problems a different way. But he declined to provide details of any new plan he would recommend for Detroit.

"There has been a lack of leadership and a lack of courage in Detroit," Duncan said. "I look at what progress New Orleans has made in five years, and I say, why not Detroit?"

After the widespread destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, New Orleans rebuilt its school district

From The Detroit News: