Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Damn Good Education Daily 4-5-11

Damn Good Education Daily

Damn Good Education Daily

blog.nj.com - 2008 Associated Press file photoEducation Secretary Arne Duncan, left, with President Obama shortly before they took office, says charter schools and outside philanthropy are important parts of imp...

latimes.com - Teacher layoffs and other education spending cuts are thinning more than the current ranks of California's classroom instructors. The number of people training to be teachers also is plummeting, an...

tomwhitby.wordpress.com - Lisa Nielsen and I co-wrote and cross posted this post. When it comes to upgrading education to the 21st Century, those who are less supportive of change, often hide behind, or are frightened of ac...

eiaonline.com - I came across the most recent summary report for the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) and I thought its pared-down tables and graphs nicely encapsulated the pension situation ...

studentactivism.net - “As I have walked among the desperate, rejected, and angry young men, I have told them that Molotov cocktails and rifles would not solve their problems. I have tried to offer them my deepest compas...


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tomwhitby profile

tomwhitby Social Media is slow to be accepted by schools because it relinquishes control to individuals. #Edchat6 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

alfiekohn profile

alfiekohn 1 of 2: < 10% of income inequality is due to differences in educational attainment: http://ow.ly/4pDD7 ...5 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

alfiekohn profile

alfiekohn 2 of 2: Therefore… 1) “College for all” may be a distraction from eco reform; 2) We should focus on educ’s non-eco benefits5 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

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alexanderrusso AM News: Finalizing Old Budget, Rolling Out New One: Five policy issues that could derail budget deal USAT: The... http://bit.ly/fMqN6V3 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

schoolsmatter.info - Expelling Care from the Teacher-Child Relation The social impact of high stakes testing in poor urban schools has grown particularly acute over the past 10 years. For beyond the shrinkage of schoo...

coopcatalyst.wordpress.com - Ted Fabiano shares this letter to Congress with the Coöp on behalf of #blog4nwp. I do not remember the grade Julie Howerter earned on her Brave New World test. I do not remember how she fared on th...

chronicle.com - Kirsten A. Johnson always wondered whether her personal posts on Twitter, Facebook, and other social-networking Web sites affected her credibility in the eyes of her students. So the assistant prof...






newsweek.com - On his right, the new GOP chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, Rep. John Kline, says he wants to slash spending on education and break up the education bill into bite-size p...

larryferlazzo.edublogs.org - Apr 04 2011 Larry Ferlazzo Well-known and respected author/researcher David Berliner (I’ve posted about his work several times) gives a very understandable explanation of “Campbell’s Law” in this v...

suntimes.com - Emanuel warns unions: Longer days for teachers and less off days for laborers BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter/fspielman@suntimes.com Apr 4, 2011 06:56PM Mayor-Elect Rahm Emanuel praises CPS' on...

nytimes.com - Steve Goldsmith has discovered what most city managers have known for a long time. “In-sourcing” services and functions that had previously been contracted out has been going on for as long as outs...

theloop21.com - You too can be like Calvin. FoxNews is reporting that McDonald's looks to reach a goal of 50,000 served on April 19 with a nationwide hiring spree. Nearly 14,000 restaurants are expected to take pa...

modeducation.blogspot.com - digg_url="http://modeducation.blogspot.com/2011/04/growing-wealth-gap.html"; Huck/Konopacki Labor CartoonsA new study by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) found that the wealthiest 5% of Ameri...

hiphopandpolitics.com - As we remember Dr Martin Luther King who was assassinated April 4th 1968, folks should never forget that King was against Union Busting.. He wanted workers to be elevated and treated with dignity. ...

voiceofsandiego.org - Need 200 points to win! Thank you to our fans. Team Deep Dive: Lois Berning, Jeanne Brown, Gloria Christman, Stanley Paul Cook, Kathleen Cudahy, Joan Dahlin, Mark Giffin, Michael Jenkins, Ashley Le...

blogs.blackvoices.com - By Lucette Jefferson on Apr 4th 2011 2:05PM Filed under: Around the WebFrom The Boston Globe: When "Broke-ology'' opened last week at Lyric Stage Company, with an all-black cast performing a work b...

blog.aflcio.org - In this guest column, Martin Luther King III, president and chief executive officer of The King Center, explains why his father would be on the front lines today supporting public employees. Forty-...

scholasticadministrator.typepad.com - April 4, 2011 | Posted At: 01:58 PM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: Campaign 2012 , Obama Administration Still not entirely certain how we got to Scott Walker less than two years after Barack...

washingtonpost.com - So far, our nation’s budget debate has been a desultory affair focused on whether a small slice of the federal government’s outlays should be cut by $33 billion or $61 billion, or whatever. E.J. Di...

justintarte.blogspot.com - I started my blogging journey in the summer of 2010, and I really wasn't sure what I expected to get out of blogging. Chris McGee (@cmcgee200) is an Educator for whom I have a great deal of respect...

scholasticadministrator.typepad.com - April 4, 2011 | Posted At: 11:38 AM | Author: Alexander Russo | Category: Foundation Follies , Urban Ed How to tell that things are really going badly for Michelle Rhee during the next few days? T...

knewton.com - We’ve been getting a lot of questions ever since our GMAT Choose Your Own Adventure video went up. Well, one question, really: How can I make one for my students? Answer: It’s easy! Youtube has a g...

hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - Published at 1:45 pm, April 3, 2011 It’s part of a growing national crisis: 11% of Hispanic girls across the country admitted a suicide attempt, especially in New York where the rate is higher. Of...

nybooks.com - Bradley Manning is the soldier charged with leaking US government documents to Wikileaks. He is currently detained under degrading and inhumane conditions that are illegal and immoral. For nine mon...

huffingtonpost.com - The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. walked the picket line the day before an assassin's bullet ended his life. A Nobel Prize-winner courted by presidents, King spent his final hours with Memphis garbag...

newblackman.blogspot.com - Teaching is Relationship Building:What School Reformers Often Forgetby Mark Naison | Fordham UniversityOne of the most pernicious examples of the tunnel vision of school reformers is the “school tu...

sabrinastevensshupe.com - I'm a big fan of Allie Brosh's comic blog, Hyperbole and a Half. As I engage with different people working in the school reform arena, I often encounter people who disagree with me. That's OK. But ...

journalofeducationalcontroversy.blogspot.com - This blog has tried to follow some of the grassroots movements in this country as a balance to the official messages coming from Secretary Duncan and the U.S. Department of Education that are often...
