Saturday, April 23, 2011

Daily Kos: The power of Race To Nowhere

Daily Kos: The power of Race To Nowhere

Realizing I am getting old

it is not just that I tire so much more easily. Heck, I should not expect to be able to push myself as I did as a college student, a status I held until age 27. Or even as a doctoral student while teaching full0time - that we true through the early years of the last decade.

There are several things that confront me with my aging. The first is that 30 days from today I will turn 65. The inexorable approach to that momentous birthday cannot be avoided, and I expect I will somehow find time to reflect a bit more as the date approaches.

It was also what I did this evening. I went to a recital. Of a graduating senior from University of Maryland. I was invited by Facebook. By the student. Whom I taught as a 10th grader, then had as the lead in our musical production of Seussical.

I saw her, and I saw other students. And realized how quickly time has gone by.

The power of Race To Nowhere

can be seen in the discussion post-screening in this video

I was there for this discussion. After seeing film, this is also why I decided to try to show at our school.

If you want to attend our viewing in Greenbelt MD on April 26, buy your tickets here,.

For more about the film, explore this website

If you care about kids, please see the film when you can.
