Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Catalyst Notebook :: In the News: Rhee strongly endorses Brizard; some courses rigorous sounding in name only

Catalyst Notebook :: In the News: Rhee strongly endorses Brizard; some courses rigorous sounding in name only
In the News: Rhee strongly endorses Brizard; some courses rigorous sounding in name onlyPosted By Cassandra West On Wednesday, April 27, 2011
In In the News

Former Washington, D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee was in Chicago on Tuesday, and she offered a strong endorsement of new Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard, who was disliked by most teachers in his previous district of Rochester. Rhee spoke at a private luncheon sponsored by the Mercantile Exchange on Tuesday. The Merc has donated millions to charter schools. (Fox Chicago News)

Former Rochester Mayor Robert Duffy defends Jean-Claude Brizard in Chicago media. (Democrat and Chronicle)

Drug explosion on the rise at Jones College Prep, where parents held a forum