Friday, April 22, 2011

The California Majority Report // Koch Brothers/Americans for Prosperity's New Target: Middle Class Californians Pensions

The California Majority Report // Koch Brothers/Americans for Prosperity's New Target: Middle Class Californians Pensions

Koch Brothers/Americans for Prosperity's New Target: Middle Class Californians Pensions

The last time we heard from the Oklahoma-based Koch Brothers, they'd dumped $1 million into Prop 23, the Texas oil companies dirty energy proposition. That ballot measure went down in flames, losing by more votes than any other initiative in the United States.

But they're back. And you have to admire the moxie of these two billionaires, the world's 24th richest men, each worth $17.5 billion. The Oklahoma oil barons' conservative front group, Americans For Prosperity, is launching a "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous on Government Pensions" tour that will stop in Santa Clarita at Governor