Friday, April 8, 2011

Black's Landing Pad; Smithsonian's Rare Opening - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Black's Landing Pad; Smithsonian's Rare Opening - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire

Black's Landing Pad; Smithsonian's Rare Opening

There is a lot of gossip coverage every day, and you don't have time to read it all. In this column, we do the legwork for you, filtering out the coverage we think will be of interest: A peek behind the scenes, a moment in the life, a more intimate look at the people who fascinate.

Cathie Black looks at a career in media, Carey Winfrey looks at retirement, the Obama girls look forward to a budget standoff, and a restaurant full of people look at John McEnroe. It's a good-looking Smart Set this Friday.

Cathie Black, who made headlines yesterday when New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg fired her from her post as the city's schools chancellor, may go back to actually making headlines. The former Hearst Magazines chairwoman is reportedly considering a return to the media world, possibly as CEO of NPR or perhaps at the helm of Time Inc. Both jobs are vacant and, as the Post points out, "Time Inc. yesterday gave Time its 'Magazine of the Year' award." [NY Post]

Elsewhere in the media world, one of the rarest magazine jobs ever is reportedly opening up: Smithsonian editor