Saturday, April 30, 2011

Big Education Ape:4-30-11 AM My Blue Dog Needs Your Support Edition

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now - When the Chicago Board of Education meeting changed into a mutual admiration society on Wednesday, the members resembled fatigued relief workers celebrating after slightly diverting a flood. ...

leoniehaimson - The embattled Detroit Public Schools could suffer even more financial setbacks if education plans proposed by the governor Wednesday are put into action, local leaders say.They specifically fear pr...

DianeRavitch - Help for charter schools By ROSALIND ROSSI Education Reporter Apr 29, 2011 11:16AM A lameduck school board prepared to pass the baton to a new leadership team Wednesday, approving policies that hel...

mikeklonsky - Dear Friend:A very important election will take place on Tuesday, May 17th that will determine the future direction of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).California Democrats for Educa...

coopmike48 - What pisses me off is the flat out lies from Obama and the looney left. I heard Bernie Sanders on the Daily Show talking about how we need to raise taxes on "millionaires and billionaires"...Same c...


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coopmike48 Michigan Policy Network - Governor Rick Snyder's Special Address on Education - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
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coopmike48 $3.1 billion in education cuts will force levies, larger classes | The Newark Advocate | - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
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coopmike48 Evaluating teacher evaluations — Joanne Jacobs - minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite - Jersey Jazzman: Splitting HairsSplitting Hairsby DukeI'll get back to this article by Al Doblin later, but let me just weigh in on this:Last week, Governor Christie and I went back-and-forth on pub...

coopmike48 - Modern School: San Francisco’s “All-Cuts” BudgetSan Francisco’s “All-Cuts” Budget Educational Slash and Burn (Image by Joseph Robertson) Governor Brown’s tax extension proposal, which would have po...

coopmike48 - Agenda--May 11-12, 2011 - State Board of Education (CA Dept of Education)Agenda--May 11-12, 2011Agenda and other related materials for the California State Board of Education (SBE) meeting to be he...






coopmike48 - 5:52 p.m. CDT, April 27, 2011 ct-met-kindergarten-test-0428-20110427 A panel of Illinois educators and early childhood experts on Wednesday offered a blueprint for a new kindergarten test that woul...

mikeklonsky - Urban prep get lots of money from Oprah. Urban Prep is the most over-hyped charter school in Chicago. It's not that Tim King's all-boys charter school isn't doing some good things or having some su...

mikeklonsky - Saturday Soapbox -- Standardized tests don't pass the test on evaluating students By Jane Watson For the Yakima Herald-Republic Standardized testing seems to make sense. We all want to be sure ch...

leoniehaimson - LANSING, Mich.—A longshot effort to recall Republican Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder can begin collecting signatures aimed at getting the measure on the ballot. Election officials approved the recall pe...

tbfurman - EducationApr. 29 2011 - 6:19 pm | 0 views | 0 recommendations |By E.D. KAIN Adam Serwer has a smart response up to my latest piece on Gary Johnson. He writes: I’m not so interested in progressive l...

coopmike48 - City Hall and public-union leaders met late Thursday afternoon to hash out details of a consensus pension- and benefits-reform measure as the now-unwieldy group continues to lurch toward an agreeme...

coopmike48 - Anti-union lithograph from Harper’s Weekly depicts the homemade bomb going off at Chicago’s Haymarket Square rally on May 4, 1886. For generations, May Day, the International Workers Day celebrated...

mikeklonsky - Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who suggested that conservatives should engage in a truce on social issues and focus on deficits, will sign legislation that will ban state funding for Planned Paren...

coopmike48 - TRENTON — The federal government is ordering New Jersey to pay back $271 million after Gov. Chris Christie backpedaled on a plan to build a new commuter tunnel under the Hudson River. "The law is c...

coopmike48 - Wheeling resident Reveca Torres damaged her spinal cord during a family trip to Mexico in 1994. “Becky,” as she’s called by family and friends, 13 years old at the time, was physically paralyzed an...

coopmike48 - My Plea to Citizen Trump | Lefty ParentMy Plea to Citizen Trumpby Cooper ZaleNot quite sure why Donald Trump is suddenly pushing all my buttons. I mean he’s always been ridiculously full of himself...

coopmike48 - Dear May: I Know Your Tricks | Mr. Teachbad's Blog of Teacher DisgruntlementDear May: I Know Your Tricksby mrteachbadIt’s finally the end of April.Happy Friday and good riddance to another month. N...

coopmike48 - Jefferson Siegel for News Prosecutors say Ross Lanham bilked more than $3.6 million from taxpayers. Another top city computer consultant has been arrested by federal prosecutors on corruption charg...

leoniehaimson - California regulators questioned Pacific Gas and Electric Co.'s gas record-keeping practices as early as 2007, when they discovered that vital documents were apparently being written in erasable in...

coopmike48 - Dear Mr. President: As you know, the skyrocketing cost of gasoline is causing severe economic pain to millions of Americans who have already suffered through the worst economic crisis since the Gre...

coopmike48 - Originally posted in the Wall Street Journal, Apr 29, 2011. pg. A.17 The stickers bear a city Department of Environmental Protection logo, the words “Safe to drink” in capital letters and a drawi...

leoniehaimson - TOKYO—A prominent Japanese radiation safety specialist has resigned his governmental advisory post in protest over what he calls "inexcusable" standards for school children in Fukushima Prefecture....

coopmike48 - Web Exclusive Democracy Now! hosts a conversation between Palestinian author Rula Jebreal and Egyptian journalist Issandr El Amrani about the continued uprisings in the Middle East and Arab attitud...

coopmike48 - tweetmeme_url = ''; tweetmeme_source = 'coolcatteacher'; Image by Terry Freedman via FlickrJulie with our dear ...
