Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bay Area teachers bus to the Capitol « State of Emergency

Bay Area teachers bus to the Capitol « State of Emergency

Bay Area teachers bus to the Capitol

Eighth-grade teacher Stephanie Anderson joined about 15 Bay Area teachers who rode a bus together to Sacramento today to lobby to protect public schools. They all urged their local legislators to extend temporary taxes, reinforcing the messages in the CTA State of Emergency campaign.

“I took the time to go because it’s all about making our students a priority again,” said Anderson, who is co-president of the Dublin Teachers Association. “The time we spent in Sacramento was all about making our kids and our communities the priority. We really can’t survive an all-cuts budget.”

The teachers were all from school districts covered by the Alcosta Service Center Council, which represents CTA members in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Educators taking part in the Alcosta Lobby Day were from districts in Dublin, San Ramon, San Leandro and Mt. Diablo Unified, among other districts.