Friday, April 29, 2011

'Any Time, Any Place' School Choice Plan in Michigan - State EdWatch - Education Week

'Any Time, Any Place' School Choice Plan in Michigan - State EdWatch - Education Week

'Any Time, Any Place' School Choice Plan in Michigan

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Michigan Gov. Rick Synder proposed sweeping changes to education this week, but perhaps his most striking idea is to create an open-market for students to choose public schools—without regard to traditional district boundaries.

The Republican governor labels his choice plan "Any Time, Any Place, Any Way, Any Pace." Students and families who live in a school district would be given the first option to enroll, but school systems would also be required to accept out-of-district students, space permitting.

If more students want a spot in a district than space allows, schools would fill those spots by lottery, Synder says.

School choice is a hot topic among Republican governors these days. Synder also calls for removing restrictions on the seat time and the length of the school year, week, and day. He wants to encourage more blended learning, which combines