Friday, April 15, 2011

Alexander Russo’s New Book | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

Alexander Russo’s New Book | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

Alexander Russo’s New Book

Alexander Russo’s one of my favorite education bloggers. He’s just published a book titled Stray Dogs, Saints, and Saviors: Fighting for the Soul of America’s Toughest High School. It tells the story of Green Dot Charter Schools taking over Locke High School in Los Angeles.

As readers know, I’m not a fan of charters. However, I am a fan of Alexander’s, and am obviously interested in the struggles of inner-city high schools since I teach at one. So I’ll certainly be reading it.

You can read a review Jay Mathews at The Washington Post wrote about the book today, and you hearAlexander being interviewed about the book here.