Monday, March 21, 2011

“Your victory will be our victory as well”: Support from Brighton, England | Defend Wisconsin #wiunion

“Your victory will be our victory as well”: Support from Brighton, England | Defend Wisconsin

“Your victory will be our victory as well”: Support from Brighton, England

Dear comrades,

On behalf of Brighton and Hove District Trades Council, England, I wish to express our solidarity and support for your struggle against the recent assault on trade unions and trade union rights unleashed by Governor Scott Walker, and we applaud the actions that your unions and communities have taken in recent weeks.

The challenge that you are currently facing in Wisconsin is not just a local challenge for yourselves, but a challenge for the labour movement across the world. Without collective bargaining employers would be free to ride roughshod over our terms and conditions and pay. Without collective bargaining workers will lose an essential part of the voice which allows them to influence the establishment of rules that control the majority of