Monday, March 28, 2011

Yong Zhao » Blog Archive » Race to Self Destruction: A History Lesson for Education Reformers

Yong Zhao » Blog Archive » Race to Self Destruction: A History Lesson for Education Reformers

Race to Self Destruction: A History Lesson for Education Reformers

27 MARCH 2011 151 2 COMMENTS

Race to the Top, Obama Administration’s $4.35 billion education initiative, has been touted many times by the President and his Secretary of Education Arne Duncan as “the most meaningful education reform in a generation”. It is also been proposed as the blueprint for the upcoming reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), currently bearing the more notorious title No Child Left Behind (NCLB). I have always found Race to the Top amusingly sad and educationally harmful and written about it in different places including an op-ed piece inEducation Week and a couple of posts on my blog. Today when I was re-reading Jared Diamond’s brilliant book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, I found his story of how the Easter Islanders’ race to build the most magnificent statues eventually led to their collapse chillingly similar to what is happening to American education.

The hundreds of stone statues on Easter Island have been one of the greatest mysteries on earth. Locate