Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wisconsin fight goes national - Alexander Burns - #wiunion #recall8

Wisconsin fight goes national - Alexander Burns -

Wisconsin fight goes national

Scott Walker and Wisconsin protesters are seen in a composite image. | Reuters Photo
The first battle is over in Wisconsin, but the war may spill over to the rest of the U.S. | ReutersClose

The first round is over. Republican Gov. Scott Walker delivered a crushing defeat to government employee unions in their fight over labor rights in Wisconsin.

But the passage of a law stripping away collective bargaining rights for public-sector workers has touched off a much larger political battle that threatens to spread over Wisconsin’s borders and across the 2012 landscape.

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Democrats in Wisconsin are vowing to transform virtually every upcoming state and local election there into a referendum on Walker’s administration. Party leaders from Madison to Washington are gearing up for a major fight in the hope of sending an unmistakable signal to other ambitious GOP state executives.

Their efforts to make Walker and his supports

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