Friday, March 11, 2011

Wisconsin 14 planning "homecoming" march on capitol tomorrow #wearewi #WIunion

The Plum Line - Wisconsin 14 planning "homecoming" march on capitol tomorrow

Wisconsin 14 planning "homecoming" march on capitol tomorrow

By Greg Sargent

The fourteen Wisconsin Democrats who have been on the lam for weeks are all returning to the state tonight -- and will celebrate their return with a march together on the capitol tomorrow meant to signal that they fully intend to fight on, a state senator confirms to me.

The 14 Dems will join together and walk to the capitol Saturday in what amounts to a celebration of their "homecoming," senator Chris Larson said in an interview a few moments ago.

The move is meant to signal that even if Governor Scott Walker was able to push through his proposal rolling back bargaining rights, the Democrats' decision to return does not represent an acknowledgement of defeat. Instead, they're returning home to join the battle to recall the Republicans who supported Walker.

"Tomorrow all 14 of us will head to the capitol, where we're going to thank the people of Wisconsin for stepping up," Larson told me. "We'll