Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why Is the Good Men Project Peddling a Bogus, Racist Penis-Size Map? « Student Activism

Why Is the Good Men Project Peddling a Bogus, Racist Penis-Size Map? « Student Activism

Why Is the Good Men Project Peddling a Bogus, Racist Penis-Size Map?

The Good Men Project is something I’ve been vaguely meaning to learn more about recently. Some prominent feminist men (and women) have been writing for them, and they’ve gotten some good buzz from other folks I respect. So I followed them on Twitter a few days ago, and recently clicked through to a piece on their site for the first time.

Um, wow.

It’s a map of the countries of the world, color-coded by penis size, under the headline “Who Has the Biggest Penises in the World?”

A few things about this map.

First, it’s bullshit. I’ve done a spot check on about a dozen of the (vaguely identified) national data sources, and literally none of them have panned out. Some are completely fictitious, others are real people or organizations