Monday, March 7, 2011

What I Wrote to My Students, the Day After the Cops Kicked My Class Out of Wheeler Hall « occupy california

What I Wrote to My Students, the Day After the Cops Kicked My Class Out of Wheeler Hall « occupy california

What I Wrote to My Students, the Day After the Cops Kicked My Class Out of Wheeler Hall

This is what one professor wrote to students following the police evacuation of Wheeler Hall the other day during the protest.

Those of you who tried to come on Thursday, I apologize – the police let several of us in and we were inside the building until police came and told us the chancellor was closing the building at which point we had to leave.

A question this course should lead you to ask is: by what right does the chancellor get to close Wheeler Hall? Whose property is it?

Know that this university exists because the land was donated by the state to the university in exchange for it providing free education to the citizens of California. In terms of labor theories of