Friday, March 4, 2011

Walker Losing Support from Senate Republicans in Wisconsin? | FDL News Desk #wiunion

Walker Losing Support from Senate Republicans in Wisconsin? | FDL News Desk

Walker Losing Support from Senate Republicans in Wisconsin?

boxed in?

Scott Walker is boxed in. He missed his chance to claim victory when public employee unions agreed to his health care and pension concessions, essentially agreeing to a 7% pay cut. But Walker wanted it all. He wanted the destruction of public unions by eliminating collective bargaining. Nothing less would do.

We know what happened next (though if you want an excellent explainer of how it all transpired, Andy Kroll has you covered). The outcome will either be decided by Senate Democrats, or Senate Republicans. Walker will not move. But it appears his colleagues on the GOP side in the Senate may. Stephen Moore sent out an alarm calltoday:

Conservatives in Wisconsin are getting nervous that three Republican state senators may defect