Wednesday, March 2, 2011

VIDEO! Parents to Bloomberg: Stand up for Students, Not Millionaires! « EdVox #WIunion

VIDEO! Parents to Bloomberg: Stand up for Students, Not Millionaires! « EdVox

VIDEO! Parents to Bloomberg: Stand up for Students, Not Millionaires!

Parents and education advocates called on Mayor Bloomberg today to stop making hollow threats to crowd the City’s classrooms, and instead join them in the growing coalition pushing Albany to extend the Millionaire’s Tax. The group urged the mayor at a City Hall rally to finally support the progressive tax on New York’s richest in order to protect City residents from destructive and unnecessary cuts, and to keep our education crisis from turning in to a disaster.

“Mayor Bloomberg knows the only real solution to our budget crisis is to raise revenue in a fair, smart way,” said Brooklynite Ceilia Green, a parent of 4 public school students. “Extending the Millionaires Tax is the best option on the table. It would not change the standard of living for the very small percentage of New Yorkers it would