Saturday, March 12, 2011

Teacher fired for looking cross-eyed at a student | theteachingwhore

Teacher fired for looking cross-eyed at a student | theteachingwhore

Teacher fired for looking cross-eyed at a student

Across the US (TWP)

Junctionville Elementary reading teacher Julie Parker was fired on Tuesday for looking cross-eyed at one of her 36 students in third hour. The student had just asked if they needed to know what was on the board for the test, and Parker apparently turned from the student she was helping and did something “inappropriate” according to school authorities, with her eyes in the student’s direction.

The child’s mother, who could not be named because this would reveal the child’s identity, told TWP that Parker “deliberately tried to shame my son Martin Weaver with a look that was making fun of a physical peculiarity he can’t do anything about.”

The mother explained that her son “had been diagnosed with eye-attention deficit disorder and is very sensitive