Monday, March 7, 2011

solidaridad: The President now toasting Teabaggers. What's next, touting Texas textbooks?

solidaridad: The President now toasting Teabaggers. What's next, touting Texas textbooks?

The President now toasting Teabaggers. What's next, touting Texas textbooks?

"You know, I'm amused. I can't tell you how many foreign leaders who are heads of center-right governments say to me, I don't understand why people would call you socialist, in my country, you'd be considered a conservative." — President Barack H. Obama (CNN’s State of the Union 2009-09-20)

Arne Duncan's neoliberal dismantling of public education is criminal
I first read about the President praising teabagger and brother of war criminal George W. Bush on Anthony Russo's blog, prompted by his brilliant tweet:

@AnthonyCody | Obama is Right: Education is a Bi-Partisan issue. Both Dems and Repubs are pushing bad ideas. #WakingGiant, #edchat

Another excellent piece addressing this is President Obama shares the stage with Jeb Bush in Miami.

Since I spent most of the weekend polemicizing against HuffPost liberals who were