Tuesday, March 8, 2011

solidaridad: ICS phonebanking for Luis Sanchez? Conflict of interest much?

solidaridad: ICS phonebanking for Luis Sanchez? Conflict of interest much?

ICS phonebanking for Luis Sanchez? Conflict of interest much?

"We have our cake, and are eating it too." — Eli Broad (Predatory Pseudo-Philanthropist and Corporate Charter School Backer)

It doesn't take much to realize that Villaraigosa's Sanchez, whose backers and politics are identical to Flores, will treat our community with the same arrogant disdain.
Bad enough that Luis Sanchez is reactionary Philip Anschutz'scorporate candidate of choice. Even worse that Sanchez is putting his business connections and cronies ahead of the Echo Parque community's desire to make CRES #14 a public school, which is a natural considering that he hangs out in Beverly Hills tossing back cocktails with the affluent charter-voucher school jet set.

Indeed, just when you think Luis Sanchez couldn't be more unscrupulous and scandalous, he surprises with ever more deplorable acts of ignominy.

I got word over the weekend from several East Side parents that Inne