Monday, March 14, 2011

Shanker Blog » Are Americans Really Unwilling To Pay More To Prevent Education Cuts?

Shanker Blog » Are Americans Really Unwilling To Pay More To Prevent Education Cuts?

Are Americans Really Unwilling To Pay More To Prevent Education Cuts?

In a speech earlier today, President Obama asserted, “We will not cut education,” and implied that doing so would be “reckless” and “irresponsible.” The president’s heartening remark, however, comes as education funding is taking a massive hit at the state and local levels in most states, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania,Florida, and, yes, Wisconsin. The damage will likely last for many years.

In all the debate about what to cut and how deeply, there seems to be an assumption that an increase in revenue for education – to avert these massive cuts – is not an option. Although there are exceptions, very few