Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Senator Alberta Darling-Those do sound like fightin’ words. | blue cheddar. #wiunion

Senator Alberta Darling-Those do sound like fightin’ words. | blue cheddar.

Senator Alberta Darling-Those do sound like fightin’ words.


I’m pretty sure this is what the first 3 words are in the video below:

“The dare is over!”

But the recording is a little distorted. Please listen and comment.

That’s followed by, “I can’t say this on television, I can’t say this because of “oh you’re just union busting” but I’ve got to tell you, this is a pivotal part of history. It’s a pivotal part. That’s why they’re fighting so hard.”

Then clearly there is a break in the recording, followed by “I’ll say one thing, when you say Scott Walker, you’ve said it all!”

These are inspiring words. They are inspiring me right into helping with her recall. Below–some places to start:

The facebook page “Recall Alberta Darling, State Senator,Wisconsin District 8″

Keeping tabs on the recall:

Where to donate to the recall effort on ActBlue