Monday, March 28, 2011

Schools Matter: More Rhee Testing Miracles Evaporate as Henderson Stonewalls

Schools Matter: More Rhee Testing Miracles Evaporate as Henderson Stonewalls

More Rhee Testing Miracles Evaporate as Henderson Stonewalls

Jack Gillum and Marisol Bello at USA Today have produced a piece of investigative journalism that is sure to win them awards for education reporting (unless Bill Gates and Eli Broad are paying for the trophies at EWA).

In looking at every angle of a long-ignored story to ferret out the facts in a testing scandal that was kept under wraps by Fenty/Rhee/Henderson, Gillum and Bello have produced a classic case study of what happens when high stakes, high pressure, and big bucks corrupt social policy, per Campbell's Law, which states that

"The more any quantitative social indicator is used for social decision-making, the more subject it will be to corruption pressures and the more apt it will be to