Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Schools Matter: It's Not About School Achievement, and It's Not Even About the Budget

Schools Matter: It's Not About School Achievement, and It's Not Even About the Budget

It's Not About School Achievement, and It's Not Even About the Budget

We know now, even those among us who have been too busy working to notice, that for the past 30 years the real agenda by big money has been about privatizing public institutions, advancing fundamentalist ideology to control behavior, and snuffing out the public space in favor of a corporate state.

All the hype about bad schools and greedy teachers and militant gays and evil Muslims has masked the poison on the tip of spear aimed at the heart of American democracy. It has always been, as Grover Norquist has crowed for so long, about weakening government enough so that it can dragged into the bathtub and drowned.

As Rachel Maddow documents in the clip below (please watch both sides of the break), what is going on now is the fabrication of a crisis through the magnification of a problem that was created by the same big money that now wants to use the effects of that