Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Schools Matter: How Rule by Corporate Oligarchs Assures Humanity's Quick Demise

Schools Matter: How Rule by Corporate Oligarchs Assures Humanity's Quick Demise

How Rule by Corporate Oligarchs Assures Humanity's Quick Demise

With the political road ahead seemingly cleared of obstructions to the purchase of the American government by the Kochs and the rest of the parasitic dinosaurs that make up the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one thing is clear: their laser focus goal toward continuing unrestrained greed and social control will not be challenged by anything as prosaic as a global emergency that signals the foreseeable end of human civilization.

These guys won't be deterred from their quarterly mentality and over-filled belly rubbing, even if the planet must be sacrificed in the process. That is why they must be retired quickly. (The Spirit of Cairo is an unconscious manifestation of this pressing fact.)

We have no more than 20 years to embark on an entirely different national and international path to begin to reverse the damage that an ultra-greedy handful of conscience-less capitalists have created for the world's