Thursday, March 10, 2011

Schools Matter: Chris Christie's Big Fat Morbidly Obese Lies

Schools Matter: Chris Christie's Big Fat Morbidly Obese Lies

Chris Christie's Big Fat Morbidly Obese Lies

In the middle of p.1 of the New York Times this morning is a story on the heavyweight dissembling and lies of New Jersey's Koch-headed governor, Chris Christie. Like many bullies whose honesty never matches their intimidating enragement, Christie exploits an everyhungryman's cut-to-the-chase matter of factness slathered over with dripping sarcasm and abusive finger pointing. Yum.

Too bad the facts don't back up the Mammoth One's bluster. My favorite: Last year when Christie bragged about balancing the budget without raising taxes, he "forgot" to mention that it was done on backs of the elderly and the poor, who lost tax credits that make it possible to live in a state where rents normally exceed the entirety of a Social Security check.

But then, the lie about teachers getting free health benefits is a good one, too.

Oh yeah, and remember when it was Schundler's fault that Jersey missed its chance in the BttT (Bribe to the