Thursday, March 17, 2011

School Tech Connect: Tonight They Were Public

School Tech Connect: Tonight They Were Public

Tonight They Were Public

Chicago Math and Science Academy had a public board meeting. Here are my early notes.

Well, that was that. I have some footage and some thoughts about my evening over at the sometimes public/sometimes private charter school, but I'm too tired to write about it tonight. Mainly it was just sad--- sad because it was all so threadbare and stultifying. Bad architecture, bad lighting, halls that close in. The school is in a converted something or other-- I forget what used to be there; I think it was sort of an indoor mall type of thing; I think I bought some cowboy boots there in the 80's, another demonstration of my inability to fit in with the times. But mostly it was sad because I spent the evening realizing that I'm old enough to recognize the same old shit being played out over and over and over. Anyway, tomorrow I'll have a lot more.

I know I'll forget about it so let me get this down on paper-- this charter school is about to do a press release on