Thursday, March 17, 2011

School Tech Connect: The Public/Private Distinction

School Tech Connect: The Public/Private Distinction

The Public/Private Distinction

It used to be so clear. As you know, one of Chicago's charter schools, the Chicago Math and Science Academy,likes public funding but doesn't want to comply with public law. Over at Small Talk, Mike Klonsky is letting people know that there's a press conference tonight at 6:15 PM. Evidently the poor teachers there are trying to get the word out that something fishy is going on with this school's board.

Frankly, I think there's a lot fishy going on with this board, but I'll limit myself to the public/private shenanigans here.

In the ancient blogging tradition, I have stolen images from Mike's blog and pasted them here to help get the word out.

I'll be there.