Friday, March 25, 2011

The salad bar cheerleader | Being Latino Online Magazine

The salad bar cheerleader | Being Latino Online Magazine

The salad bar cheerleader

by Catarina Rivera

I am the cafeteria salad bar cheerleader. “You want some peppers with that? Want to try some celery today? Come on down!”

I believe that children need to be educated in a positive way about good nutrition and eating healthy. In my experience, they are open to trying new foods when they are involved in the process. Children are more open and easy to reach than adults in many ways.

I’m on lunch duty at my charter school, serving salad to my first grade scholars. The line grows longer by the second. At least half of my students are regulars at the salad bar.

This week, I am on pepper promotion patrol. I want all my students to try the sliced red and green papers stacked in the back of the salad bar. Sometimes I plop them on the tray even if they haven’t asked for them and cheer, “Just try it!”

I have also tried to infuse healthy messages throughout my classroom. Our tables are named after vegetables: peppers, peas, carrots, and radishes. The bright pictures float in the air and the students have heard the names