Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Protesting Proposed State Budget that Gives to the Rich & Takes from Most Vulnerable « EdVox

Protesting Proposed State Budget that Gives to the Rich & Takes from Most Vulnerable « EdVox

Protesting Proposed State Budget that Gives to the Rich & Takes from Most Vulnerable

Budget Agreement Reached Sunday by Cuomo, Legislature Would Enact Largest Cuts Ever to Education, Social Safety Net if Passed

Hundreds of public school students and working class New York City residents furious with the inequitable budget agreement reached Sunday in Albany demonstrated their anger outside and inside one of the largest gatherings of the nation’s CEOs tonight at the Waldorf Astoria hotel on Park Avenue.

Already facing deep cuts and a massive deficit, Assembly and Senate leaders made a handshake deal with Governor Cuomo on Sunday to create even more cuts by allowing the state’s progressive tax code, or “Millionaire’s Tax”, to expire at the end of this year. Under the tentative plan, education funding for schoolchildren would be slashed by more than $1 billion along with devastating cuts to the social safety net – elderly care,