Monday, March 7, 2011

The People the GOP Would Rather Not Have Vote - The Atlantic Wire #WeAreWI #WIUnion

The People the GOP Would Rather Not Have Vote - The Atlantic Wire
The People the GOP Would Rather Not Have Vote
AP Images

The People the GOP Would Rather Not Have Vote


Young voters have had a stronger presence in recent elections but some members of New Hampshire's House of Representatives would like to reverse course on that. The Washington Post reports on two state bills coming out of New Hampshire that propose to "permit students to vote in their college towns only if they or their parents had previously established permanent residency there" and, to get rid of election day registration, the source of many a young voter's involvement in elections and what the Republican Speaker of New Hampshire's House of Representatives William O'Brien believes is also the source of much election fraud.

According to the Post, O'Brien referred to young voters, particularly college kids, as "foolish" at a recent tea party gathering. From a YouTube video of