Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ohio: SB 5 Includes Anti-Gay Marriage Language | FDL News Desk

Ohio: SB 5 Includes Anti-Gay Marriage Language | FDL News Desk

Ohio: SB 5 Includes Anti-Gay Marriage Language

Protests continue in Ohio. (photo: mmbooklover)

As I noted yesterday, the Ohio Senate passed SB 5, a bill that would strictly limit collective bargaining for all public employees, give local officials the final word in arbitration and ban strikes under penalty of law, by a single vote, despite having a 23-10 partisan advantage in the chamber. Six Republicans voted no, and two of them had to be yanked off committees in order to smooth the bill’s passage. Those who voted yes, along with Gov. John Kasich, claimed that the state of the economy demanded that they get more control over the collective bargaining system.

The economic benefits of SB 5 can be proven by the fact that it includes