Friday, March 4, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: Yesterday was a great day for the real reformers!

NYC Public School Parents: Yesterday was a great day for the real reformers!

Yesterday was a great day for the real reformers!

Hail Julie Cavanagh, NYC public school teacher and one of the leaders of the Grassroots Education Movement (GEM), who was brilliant on NY1's Inside City Hall last night, pointing out the importance of teacher experience (and class size!) in opposition to the mayor's push to eliminate seniority protections for teachers.

Hail Diane Ravitch who, with her usual incisiveness, pointed out the importance of poverty and the unfairness of teacher-bashing on Jon Stewart’s the Daily Show.

(Earlier in the show, Jon Stewart showed a short clip of the segment on Fox News I appeared on this Tuesday, to ridicule the commentators’ attack on the “greed” of teachers, while defending the huge bonuses and salaries of Wall Street financiers and bankers whose irresponsible behavior caused the economic collapse in the first place.)

Let’s hope this is just the beginning of a reversal in which the real educational reformers will finally get a